Understanding Bed Bugs: Biology, Behaviour, and Control

Bedbugs are annoying pests that can be found in many Australian homes and businesses. It is very important to get them out of the premises as soon as possible. In this article, we are going to elaborate more on their behaviour, their feeding habits, the identification of bedbugs and their control. So keep reading.

The Behaviour of Bedbugs

Bedbugs dislike light thus they will refrain from entering any lit place. Instead, they are nocturnal, which means they prefer to hide during the day and come out when the sun goes down and the lights are turned off in your home.
These pests hide in dark, warm places such as your mattress, behind curtains, upholstered furniture, pillow, behind electrical outlets in your walls, and in the crevices of headboards. They do not lay eggs like many other unpleasant insects. In fact, they will hide in groups and wait for the right food source. After feeding, bed bugs usually crawl back into their safe house until they feed again, which is usually five to seven days later, though not all bed bugs implement the same eating pattern.

Feeding habits of bed bugs

Bed bugs, as nocturnal insects tend to feed at night when you are asleep. They start seeking out exposed skin and begin feeding where your skin meets the sheets, occasionally in a three-bite pattern. They begin feeding in one location before moving on to their second and third bite locations, forming a distinct bite line.
However, this pattern is not usually observed and researchers have no proper explanation for this behaviour. Most people believe that bed bugs start feeding and when interrupted by the host before they are done, they move to a nearby site. They do not typically feed in three bites. They will continue to feed until they are fully satisfied.
Bed bugs in no time can infest other rooms in any kind of premises by crawling short distances. Bed bugs can move vertically and horizontally from one building to the next buildings. When infested objects such as bedding, packing material or furniture are taken to new locations, long-distance infestations occur. Travellers can also transport bed bugs in their luggage, clothing and laptop.

Identification and Surveillance

As identifications made by the common man are frequently undependable, correct identification is essential prior to actually beginning any bed bug care. Bed bugs are frequently confused with cockroaches, fleas, ticks, or any other household insects. Moreover, one should never diagnose only with reference to bites because a variety of household pests are identified to bite humans, and their reactions vary between individuals. Bed bug monitoring is essential for estimating the infestation level prior to treatment.

Unmistakable Evidence of Bed Bugs

Bed bug bites are the most obvious sign of bed bug infestation on your premises, but they aren’t the only thing to look for. Remember their bites can be mistaken for some other insect bites. Thus, look for the below signs:
• Skin shed.
• Spots of rust on the bedding as well as on the mattress
• Spots of blood on your sheets and pyjamas
• Your room has a sweet-smelling odour.
If you witness the above signs of bedbug infestation, you must call in a professional at the earliest.

How to Remove Bedbugs at Home

First and foremost, it is important to understand that these pests can be gotten rid of without the use of chemicals. High heat at 115°F (46.11°C) or intense cold at 32°F (0°C) will easily get bedbugs killed.
Here are a few methods that you can use to treat bedbugs:
• For 30 minutes, wash clothes and bedding in hot water. Later, put them in the dryer on the highest heat setting for about 30 minutes.
• Steam couches, mattresses and other areas where bedbugs hide.
• Items that have been infested by bugs should be placed in black bags and left outside on a hot day that reaches 95°F (35°C) or in a closed car. It takes a lot more time to get sealed-up bugs killed in cooler temperatures.
• After you’ve cleaned up any visible bedbugs, make the area unsuitable for the remaining ones. Do ensure that you get your mattresses and box springs covered with bedbug-proof covers. Zipping the covers all the way up will make them trapped inside and hence will die soon, and newer bugs won’t find any way to enter
• If these methods fail to exterminate the bugs, you may have to resort to using insecticides.

Chemical Management

Chemical control is a popularly used method for dealing with such kinds of infestation. However, depending solely on insecticides may necessitate huge quantities of the product, potentially leading to insecticide resistance. Furthermore, because people may come into direct contact with the chemical, labels prohibit using them in particular areas, such as couches and mattresses. In addition, insecticides cannot be used on fabrics such as pillows, blankets, sheets and clothing.

We hope you must be now aware of all the important information related to bedbugs. Thus, if you suspect a bedbug infestation at your premises, feel free to get in touch with us. We will call you right back and help with the necessary solutions at affordable rates.